Monday, August 27, 2018

Hi, Gwen.

So, today I did a thing.

And it was sort of a monumental thing.

Something I could have done a long time ago,

but I didn't.

potential deferred`and such...

anyway. I conceived a thing.

And asked for help.

And I wracked my brain for ideas.

And I chose a thing.

And I let the idea change without throwing it away.

And I found inspiration.

And I used what I've learned in the past.

And didn't give up when it got trying.

And didn't let the deviL win.

And did a thing.

Probably the thing that should have been my graduate project...but, you know, different.

...and people seemed to like it.

It wasn't perfect.

There were some things that didn't go the way I intended.

But there's always next time.

Yes, NEXT time.

Because I believe in the idea. And I believe I can do it again.

I did work. And it felt good.

and I'm glad it happened on Your day.

happy birthday Gwen.

I love you.

I hope you were in the room with me.


c w j

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