Saturday, October 31, 2020

(this space held)


man-with-child-that-does-not-look-like-me wearing a mask

  and clothes that would seem to indicate his rurality

(even among this general rurality)

   notice the presence of the child, then note that man seems to be gently* urging child's carefulness and      noting it's dueness to seeing my motorcycle


man's....audacity?....lack of hesitance to have boy come walk over to the bike....even encouraging leading it

    (or maybe he just wanted to look to)


me asking if child wants to sit/if it is ok for him to sit on


  guiding child around to "correct" side


(non-hot-exhaust side)


  man's again gentle urging for him to heed instruction, take help up


 child's heeding my instruction/joy at starting motor/drawn-in-lipped-O-face at revving

    me sensing time to go/seeing man's gentle nudge to get off

man's instruction to say "thank you


   man's introduction of sexualization/genderization


"you'll be able to get lots of twinkies with one of those"


  my understanding on second take and hesitant agreement 

(well, they have been known to attract people...although the people most attracted by it seem to be, in order: boychildren, dogs, children, menfolk)

    child saying as they walk away, "I made a new friend today"

the slight halt, softly disingenuous-seeming affirmative response of man to that.

not wanting to make a point out of the experience in this "climate of division".

thinking about how, recently, I notice how much I have shifted from that child who could befriend anyone.

how many of childhood friends could not/would not be now.



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