Thursday, October 29, 2020

I can't see anymore.

My body is changing.

It is not it's not all changing the same way.

There is the part that controls, that says "do this".

There is the part that says "you should do this".

There is the part that says "why do this".

There are the parts that do.

There are the parts that do so I can do.

And they are all changing.

Some are trying to do more.

Some seem to do progressively less.

Some seem to be acting - or want to act in last acts of desperation.

Some seem to want to keep acting as though they have all the time in the world.

Just now/before/hours ago I feel asleep reading a work of fiction. 

About an hour ago I woke up, somewhat, and my thoughts are able to move,

to dance,

back and forth,


the way I wish my body still could,

our the way it never has that I always wished;

the part called my mind feels like it can't do what it used to -

but out of sleep, just into waking, when I am able to paint it instead of push it,

it can/will still create and move and breathe and jump and skip 

something out of the nothing into everything

I wish I could say

or do

or leave

when I'm gone.

We time travel. 
We exist in the present.
We can remember and be in the past.
We can imagine and be in the future.
We can wonder and create what didn't happen.
We can wonder and create what won't happen.
We can change the future.
We can alter reality.
We can alter realities.

we don't need LSD.

(do we?)

The dark.
The quiet.
The soft non-tactility.
The sleep.

The limitation of sensory input the mind...
frees the mind...

is the time the mind has to operate, to process, re-order, to shift,

to "play with"

all of the information, the stimulus, 

the input

it has received

to create order
to create chaos

to create reason
to create reasoning
to find the reasons

to move forward.

(with life).



All language
is language.

The difficulty of learning language is simply not believing that one can understand, that language is a thing that must be studied or learned to be understood. 

Humans communicate. Every time humans communicate, they create new language. There are no language barriers, just barriers to communication.

No message is ever perfect. No receiver ever gets a message exactly as a sender intends it. There is always interpretation. 


There is always translation. 

Understanding language is a process of assumption.

All communication is translation.

"Languages" are just proper-noun names for common assumptions.

Humans communicate.

Beings communicate. Understanding is always possible.

Desire to communicate.

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