Tuesday, May 28, 2019


I am currently reading three books:

one on history and perception the anglo underclass in America

the autobiography of the current Dalai Lama

a workbook on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

For some reason, the only one I seem inclined to read is the first.

I don't know if that's because the other two are, on varying levels about self-work.

and I'm lazy.

although, before I finished it, I was more inclined to read the Binti series...

I fully admit it might have to do with the comfort of escapism...

but I also have this thing about finishing prose. I think one of the reasons I used to not read is because I didn't like the time investment in following a novel through to the end.

 AND there was that short-attention-span/wondering focus thing that was once even worse than it is now.

  It is something I have already discovered, but I appear to be one of those that needs a hand held through therapy.


if there is something you don't want to do, find something that is a more extreme degree of whatever you don't want to do, tell yourself you have to do THAT...then maybe you'll feel like doing the other thing.

And by "you",

i mean mE.


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