33 miles
Over 3 hours
Avg speed - 10.5 mph
Max Speed - 22.1 mph
Quadriceps - quite upset for me after a while afterwards.
E3 form saddle feels at least no worse the the Selle Royale,
without the tendency to have the nose push toward the right.
I started with thermals on between cargo short and riding shorts,
took the thermals off part way. Things were hot, but more cushy with them on...
If I can find some thermals cheap, I'll prolly get some and cut them off as high as possible.
Lotsa heavy breathing. The layoff was evident.
Paying to have the shifting adjusted was a definite waste. I can have the tallest sprocket or the shortest, but not both. The front shifter is closer to working but not quite. I don't know if I can get the back working, but I've more confidence about getting right with the front. I'll fool with it and see.
Being able to brake form the tops is grand. Nevertheless, the rear brake is WAY too mushy for me right now. Methinks I'm going to have to suck it up and try another new cable.
The current bar wrapping/padding works well. No crampy hands or uncomfortable positions. Ironically, for all the time I spent wrapping the brake hoods, I never really rode there - they're too low.
For some reason, toward the end of the ride, things felt cramped. I think it had to do with fatigue, though.
Hamstrings felt unused, like the seat was too low....I don't know.
I'm going to go have to Kashi almond cluster now.
edit: forgot to mention that, due to the boat ride during the route, there was about an hours worth of rest during the ride; although there will be rest stops if desired during the tour - me, 42208
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