I am having very strong reactions to smells. I assume it's got something to do with this enflamed/sensitive sinus that I assume has got to do with allergies since it has passed two different COVID tests at two different offices.
Did I not tell you that the world finally got hit with that viral pandemic that made it across the wholeglobe in less than a year?
And that people sort of did lose their sh*t?
And that some people still think it's fake?
And that people (u.s.of.americans) took a whole summer and an entire percentage of the population dying or sickening to wear a damn mask (which many still don't or don't take seriously)?
sorry. put it on the list of things I need to catch you up on.
we should have lunch sometime!!
what? no. not in person!
oh, wait...yeah. It'll make sen... I mean -
...I'll explain it later.