I am currently in the process of the yearly cleaning...
And, without announcing it, also letting go...
As part of the progression to Life's next phase.
In doing so, I am finally getting rid of some things from over a decade of accumulation,
over a decade old: from when I first came to this particular over-populated spot on the giant mudball called (here),
with my name and face on them.
And it's a much younger face.
to me.
And I felt
a "way"?
A lump?
Or) All of the above.
And, without announcing it, also letting go...
As part of the progression to Life's next phase.
In doing so, I am finally getting rid of some things from over a decade of accumulation,
over a decade old: from when I first came to this particular over-populated spot on the giant mudball called (here),
with my name and face on them.
And it's a much younger face.
to me.
And I felt
a "way"?
A lump?
Or) All of the above.