Masters pursue their craft constantly - it is first and foremost in their minds. They pursue it relentlessly – at times to the detriment of their most intimate. Their concentration so draws their focus from the average daily chore of life that it can induce to be social impairment…
And I've realized that I'm not that way about anything, acting included - not that I'm going to stop acting or that I'll never be that way about acting. I just know that I'm not that way about it now.
I went into grad school intending for acting to be that "thing" for me, but I guess you can't really choose it. Although, I guess that assumes a "thing" exists for everyone.
Maybe only some of us are given to the focus that leads to mastery of craft.
OR... maybe we CAN all achieve some great level of mastery, we just have to make the decision to be a master - like, mastery is its own achievement separate from a field of achievement like acting, etc.
Of course, like everything else in the world, it's probably something in the middle.
Or - whatever...
And I've realized that I'm not that way about anything, acting included - not that I'm going to stop acting or that I'll never be that way about acting. I just know that I'm not that way about it now.
I went into grad school intending for acting to be that "thing" for me, but I guess you can't really choose it. Although, I guess that assumes a "thing" exists for everyone.
Maybe only some of us are given to the focus that leads to mastery of craft.
OR... maybe we CAN all achieve some great level of mastery, we just have to make the decision to be a master - like, mastery is its own achievement separate from a field of achievement like acting, etc.
Of course, like everything else in the world, it's probably something in the middle.
Or - whatever...